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With so much media and confusion around the financial services industry right now, consumers are now asking a lot more questions before making important decisions around their lending and financial future.

The financial services industry has so many moving parts and the demand for qualified expert advice is now growing as consumers are seeking out the guidance of a true, honest and transparent trusted adviser to help them make these choices. Enter the New Age Financial experts.

Long gone are the days where it was accepted that you just get your loan processed and that’s it. A New Age Financial Advisor will be able to offer you additional value by offering a wider range of financial services as well as substantial, qualified advice to ensure that you are making the right decision not only for now but also setting yourself up for a longer term financial benefit.

These New Age Financial Advisers now have real opportunities to showcase their extensive and current market knowledge allowing them to be able to assist consumers like never before.

The convenience factor is still a great advantage that Finance Brokers bring to the market but at Fox Finance Group, we feel the weight of service has shifted to one of ongoing strategic advice with up to the minute knowledge of the financial landscape.

We know which Lender is going to offer the best deals for our Clients today! This service is simply not able to be matched by the big banks who are limited to only their bank’s product range.

Did you know that right now in Australia, Finance Brokers are responsible for writing more than half of all mortgages within Australia? There is good reason that this is the case. Today’s great Finance Brokers / Financial Advisers are offering a real time, personal service that is unmatched by a stand-alone banking institution. People want to be offered a choice, not be told what they need to do.

At Fox Finance Group we are committed to driving competition within the financial services industry and are committed to making sure that our Clients always get the best advice for their situation. We want you as a Fox Finance Group Client for life.

So, what other superpowers do our Fox Finance Group Advisors possess?

Do You Have Someone Experienced in Your Corner?

Fox Finance Group is one of Australia’s leading personalised financial service organisations. We have spent many years getting things right so that you can rest assured that you are getting the very best financial advice available on the market today. We work for you, not the banks, plus we can have a loan pre-approved ready to go the same day!

As a Fox Finance Group Client, you have access to your very own Accredited Loan Specialist along with access to your very own Qualified Financial Planner. Our team comprises of specialists with many years’ experience in Car Loans, Home Loans, Bike Loans, Boat Loans, Jet Ski Loans, Camper Trailer and Caravan Loans, Truck Loans, Personal Loans, Business Loans, Insurance, Financial Planning and more.

Yes, we have a large team here at Fox Finance Group ready to help you.


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