Fox Finance Group Blog Fox Finance Group Blog
13 September 2024

For many Australians, the prospect of getting a car loan can stir up both excitement and nervousness. While choosing the perfect car feels like a step toward freedom, the concern over whether you’ll get approved for the loan and the…

13 September 2024

Feeling Lost and Overwhelmed? You’re Not Alone With lenders required to ensure they are lending responsibly, bank statements have become a key part of car finance assessments over the past few years. This is primarily because bank statements show not…

19 August 2024

Securing finance for business vehicles can often feel like navigating a maze. The traditional banking process is notoriously complicated, with stringent criteria and overwhelming paperwork. What’s needed is a quick and easy solution that offers low-rate finance without adding to…

12 January 2024

Whether you're dealing with unexpected bills or other financial emergencies, there are many times when a little extra money can be helpful to cover urgent expenses. If you're comparing personal finance options, two of the most common are personal loans…

14 December 2023

Should you buy a new or used car? It’s a question that every driver asks at some point, and it’s one that doesn’t have a straightforward answer. Buying a used car can sometimes be the cheaper option, and depreciation isn’t…

13 July 2023

If your credit score is lower than you prefer, there are some ways you can bring it up to scratch. Just as an example, you can improve your credit score by paying your bills on time and keeping your credit…

25 January 2023

If you're short on funds to pay a scheduled bill, if unexpected expenses come up (car repair, medical, vet bills), or if you're just looking for a top up to increase the holiday budget, payday loans appear as an easy…

04 November 2022

Understanding Your Credit Score Getting your credit score is one thing, but trying to understand what the score means and how it came to be that way is another thing altogether. Here is our helpful guide to let you know…

17 August 2022

Picture this. You are sitting around at your monthly networking meeting and you throw out there that you are thinking about getting a business loan to expand your business. What generally happens next? This sort of conversation opener can be…

10 November 2021

These days, many lenders will request to access to your online bank accounts as part of the loan assessment. With new technology, being able to access these details helps the lender make their lending decisions based on your business or…

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