When you get a personal loan, the lender provides you with the funds to purchase the vehicle for example. For a secured personal loan, the lender will take the security of the vehicle as shown on a PPSR until the loan is repaid in full.
You are required to make your repayments on time over the term of the loan that you choose upfront between 1 to 7 years. The lender can have different fees including interest that is charged over and above the amount that you pay for the personal. It’s important that you understand what fees and charges are included as part of your loan – speak with your Lending Specialist for more details on this.
Once your final payment is made, you will own your vehicle outright and the lender will lift their encumbrance.
Our personal loan pre-approval process costs you nothing and commits you to nothing. We work hard for you to present you with the best personal loan options on the market today that will save you money – then you get to make the final decision on which loan is right for you.
A secured personal loan is a loan for which you offer the lender some sort of security, which is usually a vehicle with the same or higher value as the loan.
The alternative to a secured personal loan is an unsecured personal loan or personal loan where no security is required. Because this is more risky for the lender, unsecured loans can come with a higher interest rate over secured loans. Sometimes this can be balanced with the flexibility to payout your unsecured loan early without any early payout fees. Speak with your Fox Finance Group Lending Specialist about this for more information on how we can structure this for you.
As a finance broker we only win when you win, so we look at every possible legal way to obtain your loan from one of our many lenders. Personal lenders consider things such as:
Apply online today or speak with a Personal Lending Specialist so we can do all the hard work for you!
Yes, in most cases personal loans will be unsecured. Interest rates for these can be either fixed or variable and are very competitive in today’s market. Personal loans can be used for: Holidays, Car Purchases, Jet Skis or Boats, Debt Consolidation, Home Renovations, Wedding Expenses, Furniture and more.